Home Renovations For Max ROI

With few exceptions, most people who are selling their homes are looking for that sweet spot of home improvements that are somewhere between getting the maximum return on their effort for minimum cost and time. Read on for some of our top quick recommendations! HOME RENOVATIONS FOR MAX ROI, SHARON QUATAERT REALTY, REAL ESTATE, […]
Dreaming Of A New Home

Is This Some Kind of Dream? I encourage my real estate clients to not be in a big hurry when thinking about selling their home. It’s extremely exciting to think about a new home in a new neighborhood but you don’t want to get too excited about selling the current house unless you’ve casually looked […]
Luxury Market Forecast

2020 Luxury Market Forecast At the end of last year, many homeowners found themselves with more equity in their homes than they expected, while at the same time their wages were on the upswing. Uniting those two factors has sparked more than a few homeowners to think about making a move to a larger or […]
When Is The Best Time To Sell Your Home?

If you’ve ever considered selling your home, you’ve likely procrastinated about it for months and sometimes even years. It’s a big step. Is now the best time? Will the market change? Where would we move to? These are all questions that likely pop into your head. It can be too much to consider and as […]
What’s With The Mortgage Rates?

For the past few years, we’ve been benefitted from historically low mortgage interest rates. When the Federal Reserve lowered the interest rate on March 15th, some people thought that the mortgage rates would take yet another dive as well. While they initially did, it had nothing to do with the Federal Reserve lowering their rate. […]
Should I Skip My Mortgage Payment?

It was announced a short while ago that banks will waive mortgage payments for 90 days. Does this really mean that you can just stop paying your mortgage and everything will be ok? NO! For the best information about what the banks REALLY meant for you to do, we’re relying on the always smart advice […]
Can I Sell My Home Now?

What If I Need to Sell My Home Now? What Can I Do? Every day that passes, people have a need to buy and sell homes. That doesn’t stop during the current pandemic. If you’ve had a major life change recently, whether with your job or your family situation, you may be in a position […]
Why The Housing Market Is A Powerful Economic Driver

With businesses starting to slowly open back up again in Rochester, it’s important to understand how housing can have a major impact on the recovery of the U.S. economy. As we’ve mentioned before, buying a home is a driving financial force in this process. Today, many analysts believe one of the first things we’ll be able […]
Top Two Things Home Buyers Should Do Right Now

The last few months’ health crises have consumers remembering the economic slowdown of 2008. This slowdown, however, is very different from 2008 because this slowdown was created by a health crisis as opposed to a housing crisis. One thing the experts seem to agree on is that despite a decline in economic activity in the […]
How Do You Increase The Value Of Your Home?

Your home will likely be one of the largest and most expensive assets you’ll ever own, so it’s important to ensure that you keep its value even with other homes that are similar to it in your neighborhood. As you start seeing other homeowners making upgrades to the inside or outside of their property, it’s […]